“The history of the bow and arrow is
the history of mankind.”
- Fred Bear

The first compound bow was made in 1966 and has developed into the preferred type of bow for hunting. The pulley system on the limbs of the bow provide better range and arrow penetration, while the sites mounted on the riser allow for direct aiming. If someone is looking to purchase a bow specifically for hunting purposes, I'd recommend buying a compound. Other necessary purchases include a mechanical release and arrows tipped with mechanical broadheads.

The first bow I
purchased was a Bear Grizzly recurve bow with a 50 pound draw weight.
After some practice, my arrow groupings became consistent, and
archery became a sort of meditation for me. If archery sounds like a
hobby you might be interested in, there is plenty more information
online to help you discover which style of archery is best for you.
I will leave you with this video about how to perfect your aim with a
traditional bow.